Executive Board Positions



I.  The Executive Board consists of the officers of the association which is the President, the President-elect, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and five Regional Representatives.  (Eleven members).  Their duties include, but not limited to, exercising leadership in the affairs of California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers (CACCRAO), developing its policies, goals, objectives, priorities, job responsibilities and providing direction for the association as defined by the constitution. To view the position descriptions, please select the links listed below.


     President                     President-Elect                     Vice President                    Past President

           Secretary                    Treasurer                                Regional Reps                       


I.  Constitutional Duties

The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and its Executive Board and shall be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Association, shall appoint committees as necessary, and shall sign all papers on behalf of the organization.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Provides overall leadership and direction for the association
  • Maintains communication with the Executive Board, Chancellor’s Office, and California Community Colleges Chief Student Services Administrators Association (C4S2A)
  • Represent association at meetings, conferences, workshops and other forums as agreed by the Executive Board
  • Serves as spokesperson at various functions
  • Assure job responsibilities of Executive Board are carried out
  • Chair annual spring conference and business meeting
  • Solicit scholarship applications for Annual CACCRAO Conference.
  • Select scholarship recipient in consultation with immediate Past President and Executive Board.



  • Annual Conference-Chair first Executive Board Meeting.
  • Establish meeting location for upcoming Board meetings
  • Gather Contact information of new executive board members & Their President’s names
  • Establish meeting dates for upcoming year.


  • Write letter of acknowledgement to the Superintendent/President and Chief Student Services Officer of all newly elected and appointed officers of the Executive Board
  • Write Chancellor’s Office Vice Chancellor of Student Services and Dean of Student Services of new ExecutiveBoard
  • Write Community College League and inform them of new Executive Board members and dates of annual conference and Executive Board Meetings
  • Write Chancellor of Community Colleges to acknowledge the Chancellor’s Office staff contributions to the association.
  • Write, call, or e-mail Community College Board of Governors and add yourself to the mailing list.
  • Confirm that all changes are made to CACCRAO website.
  • Meet with President-elect to discuss job duties and possible conference themes.


  • Contact Board Members to confirm attendance at Board Meeting.
  • Confirm reservations and all arrangements with meeting location.


  • Conduct the Executive Board Meeting.
  • Reinforce communication procedures with Executive Board
  • Establish goals and objectives for upcoming year
  • Gather input for statewide issues needing CACCRAO support.
  • Review program evaluations from previous conference
  • Assign preliminary responsibilities for annual conference
  • Discuss spring conference agenda
  • Contact board members and prepare tentative agenda for October Executive Board Meeting.


  • Contact Board Members to confirm attendance at Board Meeting
  • Confirm reservations and all arrangements with meeting location
  • CACCRAO issues confirmed to be delivered to Statewide Student
    Services Council in November- Pres & Pres-Elect.


  • Conduct Executive Board Meeting
  • Report on President’s activities since last meeting
  • Obtain status reports of activities assigned in September.
  • Approve spring conference planning
  • Discuss regional workshops
  • Discuss communication with membership
  • Assign Executive Board officers to attend regional workshops
  • Attend at least one day of PACRAO annual conference
  • Attend State Student Services Conference


  • Attend at least one day of PACRAO annual conference if possible


  • Contact Board Members and prepare tentative agenda for February Executive Board Meeting


  • Conduct Executive Board Meeting
  • Determine membership fee structure for upcoming year
  • Finalize spring conference agenda
  • Approve regional workshops dates, locations, and agendas
  • Discuss communication with membership


  • Attend C4S2A annual conference if possible


  • Conduct pre-conference board meeting
  • Reinforce and make arrangements with Executive Board with respect to responsibilities of each for the spring conference
  • Preside over the annual conference


  • Send post-conference thank-you letters to Executive Board


I.  Constitutional Duties

The President-elect shall serve as Conference Chairperson and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.  If the President should be absent from meetings, or if the office of President should become vacant between elections, the President-elect shall preside, or shall fill the vacancy.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Acts as spokesperson for association as appointed by President
  • Identify and discuss program topics for annual conference
  • Identify conference program format
  • Develop conference program presenter list for annual conference
  • Develop and publish program for annual conference
  • Seek assistance from CACCRAO members to arrange catering, banquet, reception, bar and social activities for annual conference
  • Order required audio visual equipment as needed for program presenters
  • May assign other duties to other executive board members



  • Meets with President to plan for upcoming year and discuss conference themes.


  • Confirm hotel arrangements for annual conference
  • Prepare tentative outline of annual conference for discussion with Executive Board at first meeting


  • Attend Executive Board meeting
  • Present initial outline of annual conference to Executive Board
  • Discuss Conference Registration Fees and Vendor Fees


  • Begin to confirm program presenters for annual conference
  • Confirm registration forms for sign up
  • Prepare plan for needed assistance at conference
  • Make arrangements for pre-conference site visit by VP/Pres/Self to meet with conference coordinators


  • Attend Executive Board Meeting
  • Seek volunteers for Session
  • Distribute initial conference flyer in coordination with Registration Coordinator
  • Decide if logo items should be ordered for fund raising
  • Finalize all registration materials in preparation for availability mid-January


  • Facilitators
  • Continue to follow up with program presenters
  • Follow up on hotel facilities


  • Attend Executive Board meeting
  • Present to Executive Board a final rough draft of conference program
  • Order ribbons for executive board and past presidents, if needed
  • Follow up with facilitators for program sessions
  • Present conference costs to Executive Board
  • Continue to follow up with program presenters
  • Mail conference registraton material
  • Finalize spring conference agenda


  • Assemble program activities for publication
  • Assemble vendor information for inclusion in conference program
  • Contact Registration Coordinator for status of registrants
  • Confirm President-elect checklist is complete


  • Arrange for meeting with conference coordinators. CACCRAO VP and
    self prior to Friday prior to conference.
  • Arrange for board room to store materials and equipment from that Friday.
  • Attend Executive Board meeting as scheduled by President.
  • Prepare and have published the annual conference program
  • Communicate with Executive Board on status of conference
  • Be familiar with agenda and be prepared to assume presidency after the election of officers
  • Contact Registration Coordinator for status of registrants
  • Prepare agenda for new Executive Board meeting at close of conferenc


  • Write thank-you letters to: program presenters, Registration Coordinator, Program Coordinator, sessions facilitators, hotel contacts
  • Assume responsibilities of President
  • Prepare evaluation summary of sessions to deliver with thank you and provide to Board at first meeting.


I.  Constitutional Duties

The Vice President shall assist the President articulating with local, state, and federal agencies on matters of concern to the Association, shall coordinate the vendors and donations for the Annual Spring Conference, and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Solicit and coordinate vendors and donations for annual conference
  • Prepare list of vendors for the conference program
  • Make recommendations to Executive Board on next conference site
  • Sign hotel agreement
  • Determine activities and/or events available associated with potential hotel site
  • Make arrangements for February Executive Board Meeting (preferably at the conference site)



  • Meets with President-elect to discuss position
  • Determine vendor rates for discussion at first board meeting


  • Communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference


  • Attend Executive Board Meeting
  • Discuss vendor partner fee at Executive Board meeting
  • Research potential hotels for the next conference site in the year the Vice-president is President-elect
  • Solicit possible vendor contacts from Executive Board
  • Write and communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference program
  • Confirm vendor check deposit process with treasurer


  • Communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference program
  • Prepare vendor information/registration packet
  • Visit and/or review at least three different hotels for potential conference site recommendation site recommendation to Executive Board
  • Prepare a report to Executive Board regarding status of vendors for
    next meeting


  • Attend Executive Board Meeting
  • Report on status of vendors for conference
  • Report on status of future conference location
  • Communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference program


  • Communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference program
  • Mail vendor checks to Treasurer for deposit


  • Communicate with potential vendors and possible advertisers for annual conference program
  • Mail vendor checks to Treasurer for deposit
  • Confirm meeting arrangements for February Executive Board Meeting


  • Present a list of confirmed vendors and confirmed advertisers to Executive Board
  • Mail vendor checks to Treasurer for deposit
  • Attend Executive Board meeting


  • Prepare list of vendors and camera-ready copy of advertising material for conference program
  • Mail vendors checks to Treasurer for deposit


  • Prepare web update for posting vendor sponsors
  • Prepare and give list of vendors, addresses, phone numbers, sales associates, fax numbers, brief description of company, service, product etc. to President-elect for conference program
  • Coordinate and assign space to vendors
  • Coordinate with President-elect for vendor room assignment
  • Attend pre-conference Executive Board meeting


  • Write thank-you letters to vendors and inform them of the new Vice President


I.  Constitutional Duties

The Secretary shall keep the minutes, books, and papers of the association, keep a list of all committees, maintain a current membership list which shall be distributed to the membership annually, and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Keep minutes of Executive Board Meetings
  • Distribute minutes to Executive Board Members
  • Prepare and distribute newsletters and other communication to members
  • Act as CACCRAO custodian of records
  • Provide letterhead and envelopes to Executive Board Members
  • Maintain association’s cumulative files for historical records on conference attendance, past presidents, conference sites, and hotel room nights



  • Attend Executive Board Meeting and take minutes


  • Distribute minutes of July Executive Board Meeting to Executive Board members
  • Mail first of three newsletter to members


  • Distribute second of three newsletters
  • Attend Executive Board meeting and take minutes


  • Distribute minutes of October Executive Board meeting


  • Distribute last newsletter
  • Attend Executive Board meeting and take minutes


  • Distribute minutes of February Executive Board meeting


  • Assist with conference as needed
  • Prepare daily newsletter at annual conference
  • Attend pre-conference Executive Board meeting


I.  Constitutional Duties

The Treasurer shall receive and disburse monies of the association maintaining records of all receipts and disbursements and papers relating to same, file a financial report of the Association at the Annual Meeting and as requested by the Executive Board, and perform such other duties assigned by the President.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Explain to Executive Board members the Reimbursement Policy
  • Make informal report to the Executive Board at its meetings
  • Disburse payments associated with CACCRAO in a timely manner
  • Deposit monies to CACCRAO account
  • Obtain approval of the President on all bills before payment
  • Submit IRS documents
  • Prepare bank documents and incoming credit card authorizations for transition of new President and Treasurer
  • Prepare a variety of quarterly financial reports
  • Submit comprehensive Treasurer’s Report for distribution at the annual business meeting California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers

PAST PRESIDENT (official member of Council of Wisdom-COWs)

  • Act as resource to President and Executive Board
  • Recruit nominee/s for elected positions in consultation with COWs and current Executive Board (by end of January)
  • Solicitis nominations for Robert Brown Award.
  • Review nominations with COWS to select recipient based on Robert Brown Award criteria.


I.  Constitutional Duties

Five Regional Representatives shall coordinate the planning of workshops, mini-conferences, and in-service training sponsored by the region and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.

II.  Specific Duties

  • Serves as communication liaison with CARO’s
  • Coordinate and present input from the respective region to the Executive Board
  • Serve as chairperson for the annual spring workshop
  • Notify region members of dates, times, location, agendas, and other pertinent information for the annual spring workshop
  • Coordinate regional CARO meetings (at least once a year) as needed
  • Serve as chairperson of regional meetings for own region
  • Establish communication with other region chairperson to assure regional meetings occur



  • Establish working relationship with other region representative you will be representing


  • Attend Executive Board Meeting and discuss program topics for annual spring workshop


  • Explore and research activities for annual spring workshop


  • Attend Executive Board meeting
  • Prepare agenda and logistics for spring workshop


  • Advertise and invite members from the regions you represent to annual spring workshop


  • Advertise and invite members from the regions you represent to annual spring workshop


  • Attend Executive Board meeting


  • Present annual spring workshop to members of the regions you represent


  • Assist other Executive Board Members in presenting annual spring conference
  • Conduct a procedure for selection of new regional representation
  • Attend pre-conference Executive Board meeting


  • Attend Executive Board meeting for post-conference transition

MAY 2007